Polar bear mom twin cubs snuggle

Photo: Tim Auer / Polar Bears International

The Role of the Unit

Discover the intersection between mathematics and polar bear science corresponding to each of the mathematical domains outlined in the Common Core State Standards for mathematics. This unit was created in collaboration with Dr. Jody Reimer and Linda Zhao, University of Utah, Department of Mathematics.

Polar bear mom and her twin cubs waiting for the sea ice to freeze

Photo: BJ Kirschhoffer / Polar Bears International

Lessons Overview

Through these lessons students will gain familiarity with standard operations and advance to unit conversion, ratios and proportional units; probability and random sampling; experimental design; estimating and interpreting trend lines; and extrapolation outside of observed values.

Unit Plans

Other Resources

Use the following learning activities and tools to supplement the math unit lesson plans and bring polar bears to life in your classroom.

Learning Tools

Become Inspired

Watch our archived Tundra Connections webcasts and take a tour of the polar bear’s world through our live cams. See polar bears, meet scientists, and ask questions!
